Contact Me

Comments, questions, feedback? Click here to send me an email or use the Contact Form below.

I have answered many of the most common questions on my FAQs page.

Click here to read the FAQS. Please read the FAQs before contacting me.

You can write me at:

Larry Peterson
75 Mary St
Ashley, PA 18702

The Contact Form below or Email is the preferred method of communicating with me. I have a hearing disablity and can't wear my hearing aids on the phone, so it is sometimes very difficult to communicate via phone. Please be understanding of my disability.

Calling me should be your last resort. Please Email or use the Contact Form first.

I use Google Voice and let all my calls go to voicemail. Google Voice transcribes my voicemail and texts and emails me the transcript of your voicemail. Google Voice isn't perfect and how it transcribes depends on how clear your input is. If you speak slow and clearly, Voice will have a good chance of transcribing your voicemail well. Be especially sure to speak clearly when saying your phone number, text ID or email address.

Please don't call unless you absolutely have to.

Email or use the form below first. I know this isn't very customer friendly, but please be understanding of my disability.

If you do email. I receive zillions of spam a day (actually 1000-3000). My spam filter is pretty good at seperating the good from the bad but occasionally it sends good emails to the spam folder. The form below is sent to a 'friend' email address so I am will see it if you use the form. If you do email and don't hear from me in 24 hours, contact me again using the form below.

Send me a Message or Request Information
Name *
email *
Subject *
Message *
Code * [ Show a Different Image ]
  Please enter the text in the image above. Text is not case sensitive. I wish I didn't have to do this but please enter the text to prove you are a real live human and not an evil spam bot.
 * = required field

Hover over the '?' to see my phone number.

thePaperFamer.Com is owned and operated by Larry Peterson, a Vietnam veteran. Copyright @2000-2016 Larry Peterson, Wilkes Barre, PA 18702. All Rights Reserved.

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